Visitor Expectations
Creating a safe, welcoming space for all is everyone's responsibility! By visiting the Magnetic Hill Zoo, you agree to adhere to our Visitor Expectations, which helps protect both people and animals.
Respect the animals and their habitat
Harassing or causing harm to the animals will not be tolerated. This includes behaviors such as tapping on glass, making excessive noise, throwing objects into their habitats, etc.
Stay on designated visitor pathways and respect all safety barriers and sign
The animals possess their natural instincts and defensive adaptations. For your safety and the safety of our animals, do not cross any safety barriers, enter animal habitats, climb fences, or toss items into habitats. Please respect our gardens.
Conduct yourself and communicate in a respectful manner
Swearing, harassment, obscenity, hate speech, racism, offensive gestures, or otherwise abusive treatment of other visitors, staff members or volunteers will not be tolerated. Concerns, complaints, and compliments can be shared with the Admissions staff located in the Entrance building or by reporting a non-emergency issue via the City of Moncton’s online form.
Trust our expertise in animal care and management
The care and wellbeing of the animals at the Magnetic Hill Zoo is very important. The animals are appropriately managed by an experienced team of animal care professionals including keepers, biologists, and veterinarians. Questions and concerns can be shared with the Animal Care team via info.zoo@moncton.ca.
Do not feed the animals
Feeding animals is not permitted except in the designated animal contact areas where the feed is available for purchase. All our animals are on specialized diets formulated for their individual needs. Any additional food given, even if well intended, can cause serious harm to their health and wellbeing.
Smoking, vaping and the consumption of alcohol and drugs are strictly prohibited
In accordance to The Smoke Free Places Act of New Brunswick, the Magnetic Hill Zoo is a designated smoke, vape, and marijuana free zone with exception to the designated smoking area in the parking lot that is 10 m (33 feet) from all doors, entryways, and walkways. Controlled substances are not permitted.
Do not bring the following inside the Zoo
Pets, therapy animals, frisbees, balls/footballs, water guns, illegal drugs or controlled substances, external alcohol, firearms, fireworks, weapons, drones, rollerblades/skates, skateboards, barbecues, radios, bicycles, tricycles, scooters, powered vehicles other than wheelchairs, balloons or any other potential harmful items are not permitted.
Strollers, wagons, coolers, wheelchairs, and mobility aids are permitted. These are not exhaustive lists. Please contact Zoo staff at info.zoo@moncton.ca for more information.
Service dogs in training may be authorized if arranged and approved with 48 hours advance notice.