Supporting birds
Did you know that 13% of all bird species are on the IUCN Red List of Threatened species? That’s approximately 1400 species!

Top 3 threats
- Birds are threatened by habitat loss. Only 15% of habitat around the world is still in its natural state.
- Invasive plants and animals threaten bird species by taking over and choking out native plants and animals. This impacts bird by negatively changing their habitat, reducing their prey, and/or increasing their predators.
- Birds are having an increasingly difficult time coping with changes in the climate. This can be in the form of forest fires, flooding due to rising sea levels, being blown off course during a storm, and extreme weather events.
How you can help

Support AWI
The Atlantic Wildlife Institute (AWI) is a wildlife rehabilitation centre located just outside Sackville, NB. The Institute provides emergency medical care for injured, orphaned, and ill wildlife, daily care for wildlife patients, and educational opportunities for the community.

Southern African Foundation for the Conservation of Coastal Birds (SANCCOB) is an organization that rescues, rehabilitates, rears chicks, educates, trains, and conducts research for African penguins and other costal birds.

At home
- Make your yard bird friendly by planting native trees, shrubs, plants, and flowers.
- Hang curtains or put-up UV reflecting stickers on your windows.
- Refrain from using herbicides and pesticides in your yard.
- Use local greenery, berries, and plants when making seasonal arrangements to avoid introducing unwanted invasive species into your yard.
- Consider keeping your house cat indoors to reduce the incidence of bird related captures and injuries.
- Reduce greenhouse gases being released into the environment by driving less, turning off lights, layering clothing accordingly instead of adjusting the thermostat, and more.
- Reduce and strive to eliminate plastic products in your home and dispose of these items responsibly.
- Support zoos that have bird breeding programs.
- Support organizations which protect land for wildlife, including birds!

Buy wisely
Buy fair trade chocolate and coffee that is grown in a bird friendly way. Not only will you supporting local growers in Honduras, Peru, Guatemala, Ethiopia, or Columbia by ensuring they receive a fair wage for their work, but you’ll also support businesses that grow these beans a bird friendly way: in the shade and under the canopy of native trees.